Pint ‘n a Chat
Mason's Arms, York 6 Fishergate,, YorkAll welcome, just turn up and look for us. More information from Christine Gray The Masons Arms, 6 Fishergate, YO10 4AB
All welcome, just turn up and look for us. More information from Christine Gray The Masons Arms, 6 Fishergate, YO10 4AB
The full 28 mile walk split over two days in June - this should allow some time to recover ready for the second half! The second day will be from Farlington to Oulston. Please let Derek know if you are interested as soon as you can, and he will supply you with exact times and transport details. Derek Chivers 07730 ... Read More
Blue bridge to Huntington walk (4.4 miles) along the riverbank. Refreshments at the Blacksmith’s Arms afterwards - the no.5 bus stops nearby for your return if you don't want to walk. Please let Derek Chivers know if you are coming 07730 944836
The Masons Arms, 6 Fishergate YO10 4AB All welcome, just turn up and look for us in the left hand room.
Riverside Litterpick Meet by the blue footbridge on Foss Islands Road Please let Barry Thomas know if you are coming
Meet by the blue footbridge on Foss Islands Road Please let Barry Thomas know if you are coming