Pint ‘n a Chat
Mason's Arms, York 6 Fishergate,, YorkThe Masons Arms, 6 Fishergate YO10 4AB All welcome, just turn up and look for us in the left hand room.
The Masons Arms, 6 Fishergate YO10 4AB All welcome, just turn up and look for us in the left hand room.
Riverside Litterpick Meet by the blue footbridge on Foss Islands Road Please let Barry Thomas know if you are coming
Meet by the blue footbridge on Foss Islands Road Please let Barry Thomas know if you are coming
Liam Herringshaw will talk about “York: Two Billion Years of History”. Strensall Village Hall starting at 7pm - all are welcome.
Speaker Alastair Fitter - "When will it flower - plants and climate change"