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Pint ‘n a Chat

Mason's Arms, York 6 Fishergate,, York

The Masons Arms, 6 Fishergate YO10 4AB   All welcome, just turn up and look for us in the left hand room.  

Riverside Litterpick

Foss Islands Road, York Foss Islands Road, York, North Yorkshire, United Kingdom

Riverside Litterpick Meet by the blue footbridge on Foss Islands Road Please let Barry Thomas know if you are coming  

Riverside Litterpick

Foss Islands Road, York Foss Islands Road, York, North Yorkshire, United Kingdom

Meet by the blue footbridge on Foss Islands Road Please let Barry Thomas know if you are coming

Why not join and enjoy the River Foss?

Come for a daytime or evening walk. Help with litter picks, weed management and other activities. ‘Adopt’ and monitor a short stretch of the Foss. As a member, you will enjoy the many varied activities we run.


Nurturing the Foss